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You’re Reason.
We have little interest in your titles, the names of your groups, or what you decide to call yourselves. What is important to the energies that walk with you is but a simple word “reason”. Why do you do what you do, if there is an unconditional love for your fellow beings, and your “reason “for enlightening their paths is but one of purity and contains no “self-gain” apart from that of warmth within you then we can but rejoice as we know that our guidance through the period of your enlightenment was successful, we do not have to question your reason, we simply measure it by the level of your ability, as I’m sure you are all aware, purity of heart relates to clarity of communication.
Time and time again we hear of the questioning of financial gain, a question that fills a subject with fear, we do not interfere with any material aspects of a light worker, it is not of interest to us, you as “aware” souls should naturally have the answer. You have a need to survive, a need to eat, have shelter and provide, we have all walked that path, there can be no guilt attached to this need, so why the fear?. That need will be for filled in relation to “reason”. If your work with us is but one to overstep that need, to gain an “overflow” of material possession then the reason is not one that will reach far within the beauty of our realms, and a noticeable restriction of ability will be seen, and those of you of more purity of reason are normally the first to see this in your fellow workers.
There can be no price on the gift you possess, only you know the level of your real needs in the existence you are now experiencing, if you choose to put on a pedestal those who are pure in reason and in return they gain in their material wealth then surely you cannot point a finger of questioning in what they amass as a result, for this is not their doing but your own. They do however have a choice in how they distribute that gain, and it is one that we would like to see put to good use.
Keep your hearts pure, your reason true, and our work together can but enlighten even the most blinded of souls. Not all who cross your paths when in need will have the means to cross your palms with silver, but those with “true reason” will not falter in their work and will offer their service of the spirit.
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