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A cruel world ?
Many times we listen to the wandering thoughts that penetrate our atmospheres, and more often than not we hear of the questioning of all that is, the existence of the power of love that surrounds our souls of light upon every dimension, the force of beauty in all that not only you are aware of, but the power that penetrates all that exists and that- that has always been. Within your world during tragic times it is then that we most become aware of the words and thoughts of doubt that anything beyond your material existence,.. can be. “GOD” would not allow the sacrifices of so many souls, are words that drift upon the seas of thought energies, that more often than not wash up upon our shores. This occurs when the sick minded take lives, sometimes life energies that have spent but a short period of time walking amongst you are returned well before their time, and it must be said that these souls will have their paths re drawn so they can once again make their way through the journals of truth and knowledge.
When the time is right, soul is planted in matter and before it there lies many paths, in its newly created state there sits within it the truth of eternity, protected only by its innocence of what “life” has to offer. As its conscience opens up to all that surrounds it, it then realises there is choice, with this the guidance of the inborn truth will speak and guide, whether it listens is entirely ............choice.
So friends we do not take from you as and when, it is true that it may be part of a souls plan for it to return early, either part of “its” or its soul groups learning, but believe me when i say we NEVER take a life, we only pause it, and in time it will once again walk with you. There are many many times that choice holds the sword that will slice through a souls plan and shorten its purpose, and if the power of nature struggles with its endless cycle of perfection because of mans choice to interfere, then once again, man must learn that turning a deaf ear to the truth we equip you with at those early stages of your journey will have consequence.
When a seed is planted the elements around it will affect the way it flourishes, fertilizer will help only if it chooses to feed from it, it grows wild only when left unloved, mother nature gives it its truth, you can teach it to listen so it blossoms.
Do not blame all that is, blame the choices you have made.
© Kevin Cornwell.
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