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A very common saying today, with reference to money, is “You can’t take it with you” when a discussion is taking place on the advisability of buying something which is perhaps rather expensive. Of course this is correct as, when we make our transition to the next world, we can take nothing with us. (Our last garment has no pockets.) We leave behind us our money as well as all our possessions. The Bible tells us this in the words of Jesus “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth....but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” [Matthew 6:19-20]. A Heavenly Bank Account is of far more importance than an earthly bank account. The bank is always open for business, it is managed by God who gives good interest rates, and your account will never be affected by financial recessions, inflation or market collapses.
I believe that when I enter the next world I will have to give an account of my earthly life but the bank balance I will show will be very different from my earthly bank balance. It will not be a total of the money I have saved but will show my bank account held in the Bank of Heavenly Deeds. For every good kind act or word spoken I will have made a deposit but for every selfish act, unkind word or deed there will have been a withdrawal. Well we all want to have a good bank balance to show on our arrival in the next world so how do we set about it?
Many people are quick to criticise — let us all be quick to make (or pass on) compliments. A word of praise or encouragement to a colleague can count for so much as can small acts of kindness. Post a letter for a housebound neighbour and perhaps do some shopping also. Ensure your garden birds have food and water and perhaps a nice nest box to live in. Offer to accompany someone going for a dental appointment, visit someone in hospital, send a letter or a card to a lonely person. There is another common saying “help a lame dog over a stile” which, being translated, is to hold out a helping hand and to give assistance to someone in distress.
You see there are plenty of ways you can put deposits into your heavenly bank book. However be careful with your withdrawals. Watch your tongue that you do not give offence or hurt. Don’t hold back from lending a hand when action is needed. Be generous with your donations to charities. Let us not be ashamed when the time comes to show our heavenly bank book to St Peter as we enter through the Pearly Gates. Let us look forward to God’s “Well done, my good and faithful servant.......Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” [Matthew 25;21]
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
[email protected]
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