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Feeling compassion about the ills of the present world, like the chaos is getting worse and you feel helpless to turn things around? Humanity is going through a shift, a shift of Ages... The dawning Platinum Age starts within each of us. God is within us, dear ones, and by recognizing God within you and within all others, we can harness a level of Divine Power and Transformation that can bring about the Platinum Age. You don't need a Savior and I'm not shown a rescue scenario where someone or something appears to fix everything. Wake Up. Change and transformation happens from the inside of each of us, accessing our God-frequencies which are our Soul. We are an infinite Glorious aspect of God, choosing to experience humanity at this dramatic and, yes, challenging time phase of Earth and humanity. By accessing the power of our Divine Within we release our attachment to Fear, Sadness, Worry, Guilt, and all the other lower frequency energies which disempower us and hand our power over to others. Not everyone wants us to step into our power, to recognize that God is within. Still, it is the path to resolving the ills of the world with a level of love and light that shifts us, shifts the planet, the solar system and the Cosmos. That is our purpose. That is the Great Shift. Wake Up to the power within and realize the shift starts within you. Namaste, Jill
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