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George King
This article is taken from Cosmic Voice, Issue No 8, November 1956:
''Ask any well-versed Flying Saucer investigator about The Silence Group and he will tell you what little he knows of its existence - if he be brave enough, that is. The nearer one gets to the secret of the Flying Saucers, the more active become those individuals whose ambition it is to keep this news from the ordinary man.
Strange things have happened to certain prominent investigators in America and elsewhere, who have been near to revealing the truth of the real mission of the saucers.
Says George Hunt Williamson, in Telonic Research Bulletin, July/September Issue, 1956: ''They serve an ancient, hideous conspiracy that is nothing but the evil of Anti-Christ!''
Well done, Williamson! I agree wholeheartedly with your statement, for this group (was) run by a powerful black magician, who was one of the ringleaders who whipped the ignorant mob into such a frenzy that they demanded the murder of the Lord Jesus.
Do you remember the words of the Master Jesus from the Cross: ''Forgive them, O Lord, for they know not what they do.''
The exact meaning of this sentence is clear to all capable of third degree Meditation. ''Forgive them (the multitude), O Lord, for they (the multitude) know not what THEY (the evil conspirators) do.'' This is the correct meaning of the statement! A meaning which can be equally well applied to Flying Saucer Revelations today.
The ''insidious monster'' gathers (its) evil co-workers in every age. By now the group is all-powerful upon the materialistic plane. Having control of vast monetary resources, they can bring hidden pressures to bear on every country on Earth, playing off one faction against another to cause internal strife. These dark forces recognise that the coming of the Spaceships is the most important happening since the fall of Atlantis! That is why they are now trying to repress the real truth about the mission of the Space Saviours.
Will these evil one succeed? No - because we will not let them!
Every prominent Saucer investigator on Earth today has felt the sickening blow of their evil spells and curses fall upon them in a thousand different ways. But I know that this self-same power used by these dark ones will return eventually to its source, and no magic will be potent enough to stay its retribution.''
First Published in 1963, by George King, in the metaphysical treatise entitled The Nine Freedoms:
''Fear is the most powerful weapon of the darkest forces. If fear did not exist the dark forces would not be so powerful, because their very lifelines would be dissected. The dark forces, which are active in this world now; are those intelligences on the lower astral realms who are able to impress a pawn like ''hitler'' to cause division in the world.
Fear is the result of terrestrial division and while evil entities can impress any one to cause division, their force becomes stronger and their position more sure. The fearless, Enlightened man cannot be so impressed. He cannot ever become a whimpering pawn, trembling in the hands of some sadistic black magician. Eventually he can become a wise Buddha or a gentle Jesus, but never a quaking, fearful ''hitler''.
You are advised to break away from fear by delving deep within yourself and discovering the dormant Powers which are latent there.''
In a Transmission delivered through the unique Mediumship of George King, the later Founder/President of The Aetherius Society, on September 23rd, 1967, the Master Jesus gave the following confirmation:
''Do you know man, not one single murderous dictator has been put into a position by chance?
Conqueror after conqueror has been built by the dark ones to act as a recruiting agent upon the physical plane of your world!
These have brought around them like wickedness and have taken this back to the lower realms with them, and have built the armies of evil there.
It has been a plan cunningly conceived and you - the pawns in a game to gain a whole humanoid race.
Did you know that man?''
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